Proceeding of

1st Int. Conf. on Recent Trends & Research in Engineering and Science


21-23 March, 2015


Organized By

Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering & Polytechnic, Malkapur



A Special Issue of

Indian Research Transaction (EISSN:2250-0804)


Advisory Committee

Dr. G. R. Bamnote

(Dean, Faculty of Engg, SGBAU Amravati)


Dr. B. E. Narkhede

(Vice President IIIE, Mumbai)


Dr. Md. Mamun Habib

(University Utara Malaysia (UUM, Malaysia)


Dr. C. R. Patil

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. T. R. Deshmukh

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. W. Z. Gandhare

(Principal, Govt. College of Engineering Amravati)


Dr. D. N. Kyatanavar

(Principal, SRESCOE Kopargaon)


Dr. U. Pendharkar

(Professor, Government Engineering College, Ujjain)


Dr. Ajit Thete

(Director, Centre for Development of Leadership in    Education Pvt Ltd, Aurangabad)


Technical Committee

Dr. M. T. Datar

Dr. S. K. Garg

Dr. Shrikaant Kulkarni

Shri. D. N. Patil

Dr. A. W. Kolte

Prof. Ajitabh Pateriya

Prof. P. K. Patil

Prof. S.N. Khachane

Prof. Parag Chourey

Prof. B.K.Chaudhari

Prof. N.A. Kharche

Prof. R.M. Choudhari

Prof. R. B. Pandhare

Prof. A.P. Jadhao

Prof. S.B. Jadhav

Prof. Santosh Raikar

Prof. Y.P. Sushir

Prof. B. M. Tayde



Prof. K. H. Walse


Research Publications, India



IRT EISSN: 2250-0804 (Online) >>    

Design & Simulation Of High-Performance Photovoltaic Module-Integrated Converter (PV-MIC)

Vikas P. Patil and Mr. .M. M. Ansari


The paper present a single-phase  grid-connected transformer less photovoltaic (PV) module-integrated converter (MIC) based on cascaded quasi-Z- source inverters (qZSI).In this system ,each qZSI module serves as an MIC and is connected to one PV panel .Due to the cascaded structure & qZSI topology ,the proposed MIC features low-voltage gain requirement , single-stage energy conversion ,enhanced reliability & good output power quality. Optimized module design is developed based on the derived qZSI ac equivalent model And power loss analytic model to achieve high efficiency and high power density .A design example of qZSI module is presented for a 225 to 250-Watt PV panel with 22-50 o/p Voltage . The simulation & experimental result which prove the validity of analytical models. The final module prototype design achieves up to high efficiency with 100 kHz switching frequency. The peak efficiency can be further improved with synchronous rectification. Though the transformer less CMI based PV systems can achieve high performance and low cost

©2015 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 

Published by Research Publications, India