Proceeding of

2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Trends & Research in Engineering and Science


28-29 February, 2016


Organized By

Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering & Polytechnic, Malkapur

In Association





A Special Issue of

International Journal of Computer Science and Applications


Conference Convener

 Prof. Nitin A. Kharche

(Program Convener)

Mobile: 09766935198


Prof. Bharat K. Chaudhari

(Program Convener)

Mobile: 08380075944




Prof. K. H. Walse


Research Publications, India



IJCSA ISSN: 0974-1011 (Online) >>    

Image Mining: A New Approach For  Data Mining Based On Texture


Miss. Helode Priyanka S. and Prof. Bharat Choudhary



Image data mining can be done manually by slicing and dicing the data until a pattern becomes obvious. Or, it can be done with programs that analyse the data automatically. Colour, texture and shape of an image have been primitive image descriptors in Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system. Primitive features of an image used to identify and retrieve closely matched images from an image database. It is very difficult to extract images manually from image database because they are very large.

This paper presents a novel framework for texture information of an image and achieves higher retrieval efficiency than the shape features of an image. There is a trade-off between accuracy and computational cost. The trade-off decreases as more efficient algorithm is used to solve the problem and increases the computational power and will decreases the cost of the whole system as well.

©2016 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 

Published by Research Publications, India