Proceeding of

1st Int. Conf. on Recent Trends & Research in Engineering and Science


21-23 March, 2015


Organized By

Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering & Polytechnic, Malkapur



A Special Issue of

International Journal of Computer Science and Applications



Advisory Committee

Dr. G. R. Bamnote

(Dean, Faculty of Engg, SGBAU Amravati)


Dr. B. E. Narkhede

(Vice President IIIE, Mumbai)


Dr. Md. Mamun Habib

(University Utara Malaysia (UUM, Malaysia)


Dr. C. R. Patil

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. T. R. Deshmukh

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. W. Z. Gandhare

(Principal, Govt. College of Engineering Amravati)


Dr. D. N. Kyatanavar

(Principal, SRESCOE Kopargaon)


Dr. U. Pendharkar

(Professor, Government Engineering College, Ujjain)


Dr. Ajit Thete

(Director, Centre for Development of Leadership in    Education Pvt Ltd, Aurangabad)


Technical Committee

Dr. M. T. Datar

Dr. S. K. Garg

Dr. Shrikaant Kulkarni

Shri. D. N. Patil

Dr. A. W. Kolte

Prof. Ajitabh Pateriya

Prof. P. K. Patil

Prof. S.N. Khachane

Prof. Parag Chourey

Prof. B.K.Chaudhari

Prof. N.A. Kharche

Prof. R.M. Choudhari

Prof. R. B. Pandhare

Prof. A.P. Jadhao

Prof. S.B. Jadhav

Prof. Santosh Raikar

Prof. Y.P. Sushir

Prof. B. M. Tayde



Prof. K. H. Walse


Research Publications, India



IJCSA ISSN: 0974-1011 (Online) >>    

A Review: Rebalancing The Load For Distributed File System In Clouds


Ms.Komal Pralhad Sonawane  and  Prof.Ankush Narkhede



For cloud computing applications the Distributed file system is used as a key building block which is simply a classical model. In such file system a file is partitioned into a number of chunks allocated in distinct nodes .Each chunk allocates to separate node to perform MapReduce function parallel over each node. In cloud, the central node (master in MapReduce) becomes bottleneck if number of storage nodes, number of files and assesses to that file increases. In this survey paper to overcome the above load imbalance problem the fully distributed load rebalancing algorithm is used to exclude the load on central node and also the movement cost is reduced. In this paper the load misbalancing problem is overcome.

©2015 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 

Published by Research Publications, India