Proceeding of

1st Int. Conf. on Recent Trends & Research in Engineering and Science


21-23 March, 2015


Organized By

Padm. Dr. V. B. Kolte College of Engineering & Polytechnic, Malkapur



A Special Issue of

International Journal of Computer Science and Applications



Advisory Committee

Dr. G. R. Bamnote

(Dean, Faculty of Engg, SGBAU Amravati)


Dr. B. E. Narkhede

(Vice President IIIE, Mumbai)


Dr. Md. Mamun Habib

(University Utara Malaysia (UUM, Malaysia)


Dr. C. R. Patil

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. T. R. Deshmukh

(Prof. PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati)


Dr. W. Z. Gandhare

(Principal, Govt. College of Engineering Amravati)


Dr. D. N. Kyatanavar

(Principal, SRESCOE Kopargaon)


Dr. U. Pendharkar

(Professor, Government Engineering College, Ujjain)


Dr. Ajit Thete

(Director, Centre for Development of Leadership in    Education Pvt Ltd, Aurangabad)


Technical Committee

Dr. M. T. Datar

Dr. S. K. Garg

Dr. Shrikaant Kulkarni

Shri. D. N. Patil

Dr. A. W. Kolte

Prof. Ajitabh Pateriya

Prof. P. K. Patil

Prof. S.N. Khachane

Prof. Parag Chourey

Prof. B.K.Chaudhari

Prof. N.A. Kharche

Prof. R.M. Choudhari

Prof. R. B. Pandhare

Prof. A.P. Jadhao

Prof. S.B. Jadhav

Prof. Santosh Raikar

Prof. Y.P. Sushir

Prof. B. M. Tayde



Prof. K. H. Walse


Research Publications, India



IJCSA ISSN: 0974-1011 (Online) >>    

Analysis of Privacy in WSN’s by providing Hop-by-Hop Message Authentication


Roshni R. Kharche and Lokesh Bijole



Confidentiality and security to the data is actually provided by an authentication technique. Itgives the confident identification of one party by another party or a process of confirming an identity .But now, there are various methods for authentication such as Signcryption, Key Aggregate System are emerged rapidly for better security precaution. It tries to stimulate how to provide authentication in WSN’s. Message authentication is the effective ways to find out intruder, unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in wireless sensor networks .Few message authentication schemes have been developed, which is based on either public-key cryptosystems or symmetric-key cryptosystems. These have little but limitations of high computational and communication overhead in addition to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. A polynomial-based scheme was newly introduced, this scheme have some weakness of a built-in threshold determined by the degree of the polynomial: when the number of messages transmitted is larger than this threshold, it can completely recover the polynomial. In this, we proposed authentication scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography. While permitting intermediate nodes authentication, in our proposed scheme it allows any node to transmit a number of messages without suffering the threshold problem. Our scheme can also provide message privacy. Our proposed scheme is efficient than the polynomial-based approach under comparable security levels while providing message source privacy.

©2015 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 

Published by Research Publications, India